#1: How To Build Your Email List With A Challenge

Introduction to episode
You’ll start your podcast show notes by giving a brief introduction of your podcast and what you’ll be discussing during the episode. You can also add a short bio that introduces you as the host.

If you interviewed a guest (or multiple guests) during this episode, you’ll want to introduce them here as well. Tell your audience more about them including what they do for a living, why you chose them to be a guest, and tips they may have given during the episode.

This is also where you can show some of your personality. Instead of just stating a few facts from the episode, try adding an inside joke that people will understand if they listen to the episode. It’s a great way to extend the fun conversation to your larger audience.

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Here’s a glance at this episode…
All of your podcast talking points will be under the themed topic of your episode, as explained
above. You can put this summary in bullet points so it’s easy for readers to skim and digest
● You don’t have to even use complete sentences if you don’t want to.
● Just add a few points so listeners know if this episode is relevant to them.
● They want to know what they’ll learn before listening.

In this section, you’ll pull out any notable quotes that either you or the interview guest said during the podcast episode. You can also create Click to Tweet links for each of the quotes for the social sharing option. Just make sure the quotes are within 140 characters if you do. You can also turn the quotes into quote graphics for visual appeal within the post. They can
then be repurposed and used on social media.

Links mentioned in this episode:

This is a quick bulleted list of any resources that may have been mentioned.
● Any books, movies, music, TV shows, websites, and beyond will be listed here.
● You can also use affiliate links when it’s relevant.